Horror tales to be posted every weekend -- for Monday viewing... unless a different date is noted... perhaps.

Monday, September 29, 2014


(Season 3, Episode 35)

October is the time to explore the mystery of the... CARNIVAL!



The brightness of the solar silver moon...
It cut through the dark night with sharp ease.
Even though the midnight blackness was clear and cold...
The eerie reflections of shadows put hot fear into the air.

Seen through the crisp clarity in this night,
And driven out by the fading heat,
Night things bound all about to find their shelter...
Their reflective eyes put the creepy in creepy crawler.

Death stalks the land of the midnight darkness...
Bold and dangerous during the length of a night like tonight.
Believers believe in protective shelter when the night is this frightful!
Nonbelievers get cut, hacked, sawed, bitten and rendered by morning.

There is a balance unseen, unspoken, between the realms of night and day.
That balance resides inside the feral corners of minds both civil… and not.
Beings brave enough to traverse rustic distances when the full moon is high…
They listen to the instinct pulling them away from the danger over there.

Never are these caveats more important… and dangerous… than in October.
Many dark forces converge during this most ominous month of the calendar.
Everything is on edge… everyone is on edge… before the surreal rolls into town.
The Carnival has arrived, mysteriously appearing, to seal the weirdness!

Children are drawn to the lights and the rides and the mystery.
Adults are drawn to the childhood nostalgia, the mystery and the back room mysterious.
Creatures are drawn to the place they can openly blend in.
Monsters are drawn to the place where their origins often formed.

When the days have passed and the Carnival has run its course… it vanishes.
Here one day, to celebrate October for one week, gone another day… inexplicably.  
When all the beings, both living and not, dissipate back to their dark places…
The memories of some will reflect the mystery witnessed by all.

Back to the feral places in the darkness in the woods go many.
Back to their reality of howling at the moon and growling at the daylight.
They… whatever they are… will rummage and claw and scratch and kill…
Until the moon turns Silver again and the call of the night says… the Carnival is back in town!


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