(Season 3, Episode 36)
-Harrisonburg, Virginia-
You are...
Darla Conte.
You are now standing before the full length mirror.
You are staring at your deprived body... and,
You are,
Quite possibly,
Looking into the eyes of madness!
You have, again, heard the sounds of The Whisperer!
It is hidden in the darkness… taunting you many times before tonight.
It is that sound that makes you question your sanity,
When you quickly spin around --
Fully expecting,
This time,
To catch that elusive phantom thing standing directly behind you --
Whispering those sounds --
That something that you must believe does not possibly exist…
And therefore cannot possibly be standing behind you.
It slyly moved and turned when you did?
And, if you quickly hop around...
Right... NOW,
Maybe you can catch a glimpse of it.
But of course,
It does not appear to be where you want it to be.
Damn, the paranoia!
Sleep will not claim you… tonight!
Again, The Whisperer in the darkness will claim you… tonight.
That arcane something you know is…
Right there behind you…
Lying in the bed beside you!
It just shifted again,
Just out of the frame outline of your body,
Reflected behind you,
Right there in the fleeting image in the mirror.
You tense again to turn around to see…
But more of the madness created by --
The Whisperer!
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