Horror tales to be posted every weekend -- for Monday viewing... unless a different date is noted... perhaps.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


The twilight time...
Between the witching hour and sun rise...
Intensifies to a horror pitch minutes before sunrise.
Evil is thick and ugly then...
A time when people die horribly and disappear without a trace.
21 year old Marcie Grant has entered that horror zone.
And, she is so fresh and so innocent.
She should have already been taught these lessons!
Now she must face me...
That monster from her future nightmares she never knew existed!
She should have already been taught to...
Pay Attention!


(Season 4, Episode 19)

(Raleigh, N.C.)

It was a rainy day and you weren’t paying attention,
So you tripped over your on feet and fell face first into the mud!
I’ve noticed that your mind was definitely in detention!
Now, in your mouth, you taste city grime and your own blood!

I was stalking you on that very warm and rainy morning.
I wanted you to be my final nightly blood meal!
But when you crashed and burned without warning --
I realized you were just too clumsy of a human to steal!

It was still dark, to be sure… and you don’t have the night vision I possess.
I saw you approaching the high curb… I assumed you would step high.
But you, obviously in your early morning haze, were slow of finesse.
And before I, even with my reflexes, could react… you fell to your left thigh.

I was a monster walking on two feet, to kill and feed on you, 100 years ago.
Back then, I would have dragged you into the alley to eat you without remorse.
Today, I can control my feral need to feed… enough to tell myself a moral whoa.
But, my curse be still in me, I still an compelled to find another food source.

I was looking into your fear filled eyes as you are looking into my ebon eyes.
You were asking yourself, “Why in the hell is this dark fanged creature telling me this?”
My answer to you was… “Even vampire creatures of the night need cathartic release.”

The twisted truth be told, I was once a human being like you are,
In the time your great-ancestors were slaves of Fayetteville barter.
100 years of existing needed to pass before humans stopped being just a snack bar.
Today, I’ll occasionally suppress the urge to suck you dry like an alcoholic sucking shots dry at a bar.

And so, young lady, you will continue to live to fall down another day.
I will move on to the next victim of my hunger and need!
You just better be more careful where you fall and bleed, OK?
The next bloodsucker stalker you meet just might drain you dry, indeed!


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