Horror tales to be posted every weekend -- for Monday viewing... unless a different date is noted... perhaps.

Monday, February 9, 2015


You can call me Ben Brighten Mallory!
I have a short tale of reality horror to relate to you.
The frightening Horrorwalker Creature visited me a short time ago.
It forced me to read the horrid tale that I will now tell to you.
I am still too shaken to relate the details of my encounter with the creature.
So I will simply, 
 Succumb to that compulsion the Horrorwalker forces upon its victims...
To tell the world of the horror it forces upon them.
And so... here you are,
The horror the Horrorwalker has made me to see!


Certain mental illnesses can be a lighter hearted affair. 
It can even bring a family together in support of the afflicted.
On the other end of the spectrum is the psychotic homicidal maniac...
Controlled, to a degree, by powerful psychotropic drugs.
There is never a call to the lightness of heart here...
And when he escapes his handlers?
Well, everyone should be alerted to beware of this dangerous man...

Of Unsound Mind!


(Season 4, Episode 21)

(Waco, Texas)


You are such a complex being. You are capable of horrible feats unknown to your own personal thoughts. You have a mind that reasons and responds… sometimes... to the rationality of reality. Oh, but the reasons for hatred -- how do you respond to that?


Like the fickle feather-like winds of the mercurial weather that changes daily, you have little power to cloud over the directions of your reasons to enter the fog of insanity, or stay clear of mind when the drugs kick in. You do want to keep a mind that is clear about you. But, you have the mind of a twisted brain that is on an improper level below common understanding.


You better look out -- there is a dangerous higher force at work here. That force creates the results of emotions that are deadly strong. You are filled with enough scarred emotion for three people. You can hoard as much emotional content as you like, but it does not matter... you are insane!


The bright blue sun stoked sky shines bright and clear today. It warms the heart of everything at this beautiful park in Waco, Texas. Like a Hibiscus flower opening wide enough to let the sun shine inside, you know deep inside the crazy that you are ready to fling open your protective mental shell today. You left the pills on the dresser in your bedroom.


The touching of other souls is what you have said you must do… again. You must touch the heart of another man because the insane hatred inside your head and heart is so painful that it hurts... until you make it go away. You really get in touch with your own mind… when you allow yourself to plunge the knife into the chest of your victim who is hiding a beating heart that must be quieted.


All the numbness and emptiness you feel inside is real for you. You ultimately desire that a special someone bring the light to your darkness. You are searching for that someone... but you keep killing them before they can tell you what you need to know to make it all better! When it all eventually comes together and falls into the proper place… when you eventually meet the one who can survive your encounter long enough to tell you the answers to your crazy life that you crave the most... you believe you will have the peace you have always wanted... that which you never received from the stupid doctors in the asylum. You only want the things that remind you the most of the most beautiful strait jacket dreams inside your cell.

But, right now... you are out in the streets again, escaped again, to kill and search. The farther you get away from the drugs as the hours tick by, the clearer your mission to find the answers become. By now, you are not feeling one bit of guilt as you hold the still warm heart of the latest man without the answers in your blood covered hands.


Right now... drug free... of clear mind and conscious, you are contemplating asking the policeman sitting in his patrol car eating that doughnut over there just down the dark street. Surely, he has the answers...


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