Horror tales to be posted every weekend -- for Monday viewing... unless a different date is noted... perhaps.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


(Season 1, Episode 59)

There are other Horrorwalker inspired horror tomes out there!
Their authors have had their lives changed forever with a...
Personal Horrorwalker encounter!

 With their imaginations,
Or through sharing their personal Horrorwalker Tome story,
 These authors expand the narrative of the precarious nature of the horror in the... 
Horrorwalker World! 

Human nature as it is... 
We, humans, exploit all given situations. 
And so, 
Here for your perusal, 
From the Horrorwalker Horror tome titled: Blood Plasma, 
Is a little horror tale of -- ANIMAL BLOOD!



-Southport, N.C-

Nothing sates the bloodlust thirst,
 The  strongest desire of the undead dead like -- 
Warm human blood! 
I was once a human being named Marc Banner! 

What irony be this lengthy reality -- 
That now I must feed, 
Blood craving cannibal-like, 
Upon what was once my own kind! 

Human blood, 
So sweet and so salty, 
Dashed with the spice of tangy chemical food additives… 
My fangs drip saliva in a Pavlovian response! 

I crave the sugar and sodium mixture in you.
I savor the electric abuse that flavors your blood. 
I swoon as I anticipate the taste of your flesh. 
As my teeth pierce your neck skin, I will see stars!

Those are the thoughts and desires of a wonting vampire!
Though I am about to imagine sweet tastes and sounds,
I am actually about to drain this squealing pig of its blood --
I have not hunted human prey in two years. 

I covet the human taste every time I drink –- animal blood!
I sit here in my grey darkness listening to the squeals… 
Just before I drink the harsh blood that is not human!
This is thick, rich, raw, gamey, coppery wild feral blood!

Feral blood is never good enough to be satisfying!
Every drink I take draws me closer to the human hunt.
Soon, because I now can barely resist my vampire bloodlust,
I will have to go back to the city for -- human blood!


1 comment:

  1. Here you go, horror fans... a quick lick of the ol' Horrorwalker Horror salt block. But, much to your chagrin, this Horrorwalker Horror salt block tastes like:



    PS -- Due to a technical horror blip, I thought I posted this little missive on Monday morning, 12-16-13. I just discovered, much to my own horror, that the posting never went through!


    I Hope you enjoy this quick horror tale.
