Horror tales to be posted every weekend -- for Monday viewing... unless a different date is noted... perhaps.

Monday, October 27, 2014


The Horrorwalker Travel Guide Presents:

Another Horrorwalker World horror poem,
 Number 8 of 13...
Of season 3 of...
The Countdown To Horror Zero!

There are 5 more horror poems to be presented in the next 5 weeks of this season...
Before season 4 and then season 5 arrives with their horror prose format.
But for now...
Here is another example of the horror in this Horrorwalker World!
Read with caution...


Season 3, Episode 32

(Dallas, Texas)

There is a morality dealing crack in the earth!
A poisonous white power spews out of the fissure!
Mixed with fire, the crack in the earth becomes death smoke ­-
The smoke in your lungs!

There is the opiate of the old world masses that has dulled the senses of civilizations! 
It oozes from a flower too beautiful to be so evil.
Mixed with fire, the sticky tar becomes sweet, sweet death smoke ­--
The smoke in your lungs!

There is a horse that stomps men to death from the inside out! 
This chemical stallion smashes veins with needle sharp hoofs! 
Mixed with fire, the galloping horse becomes death smoke ­-- 
The smoke in your lungs!

There is laboratory in the house down the street called -- Meth lab! 
The technicians there cook a flesh melting brew most pervasive!
Mixed with fire, the frighteningly powerful brew becomes death smoke ­-- 
The smoke in your lungs!

There is the other plant that formally fueled the southern USA!
It has leaves favored by the horn worm and the human being! 
Mixed with fire, it becomes the most desired hated death smoke --
The smoke in your lungs!

There is the hemp that is rope that is the clothing that is the basket.
It has the leaves permeated with the substance that takes you there.
Mixed with fire, it becomes the food for the eyes and nausea… death smoke ­--
The smoke in your lungs!

There is a heavy moral to this story of smoke and damage!
It is here for you to find as you take yourself to the answer.
Mixed with fire, you can turn it away or smoke it away… as death smoke -- 
The smoke in your lungs!


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