Horror tales to be posted every weekend -- for Monday viewing... unless a different date is noted... perhaps.

Monday, October 20, 2014


(Season 3, Episode 33)

A man lives his time on earth to what,
To him,
Is the fullest of his life.
But when the party stops...
Someone has to pay the price!


(Olney, Maryland)

Face the fact, Mario Jones...
Of a life lived, so very pessimistic...
No one escapes the tidal wave of self-destruction...
Leading to them having to face the ghost of their terrible past!

The drinking destroyed your liver.
The drinking laid waste to your dignity.
The drinking eroded your once good looks.
The drinking melted your equilibrium.

The crack depleted your bank account!
The crack transformed you into a raging thief!
The crack turned you into a liar!
The crack gave you hell in the smoke!

The Meth turned you into a living zombie!
The Meth took away your teeth!
The Meth lab destroyed your home in the explosion!
The Meth changed you into a shameful shell of a man!

The “boys” got you off an assault felony.
The “boys” chased off your women.
The “boys” provided the good times and the destruction.
The “boys” tell you you’re invincible.

The nurses told you your organs were shutting down.
The nurses told you your blood was as thick as pancake syrup.
The nurses told you to make your peace with yourself.
The nurses told you you are not invincible.

The priest appeared to give you one last prayer.
The priest showed little emotion as he performed his mission.
The priest touched your chest with the cross in his hand.
The priest left the room, taking with him your last atoms of life.

You yell inside yourself that the end of your time is now.
You can feel the life you possessed for 50 years lifting from your body.
Your mind screams at your soul as it leaves your body, too.
Your body is now an abandoned shell of abused mammalian cells!

Before the lights finally go out inside your mind’s eyes...
Before the end of a heartbreakingly sad saga of a wasted life concludes...
Before the end of half a century of misery is finally quieted on this stiff hospital gurney...
You realize, just as you fade to black -- from your sad life, this was the only ESCAPE PLAN!


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