(Season 2, Episode 48)
You are called Emory S. Roberts. And you are now not the man you were one hour ago! Knowledge will change you, Emory! I have read your story in the Horrorwalker Horror Tome… and may God help you to save us all as we all race closer to your horrific future!
(Emory S. Roberts Tale -- Birmingham, Alabama)
There be TERRIBLE creatures that live to destroy all that the Gods and man have created. These are high flying, hard scaled, hard skinned, fire breathing, full grown oak tree sized lizard monsters that exist for the sole purpose of bringing burning death and ash destruction to the surface of the earth. They fell to the land one dark and clear starlit late Summer night a long, long time ago. The year does not matter. The month does not matter. Only the night they fell from the sky matters.
They came from out there beyond the stars, screaming through that cloudless sky that night, sounding like ten thousand angry Hawks screaming down to crash onto the innocent unsuspecting surface of the lush and green planet while enveloped in pure, white hot hell fire -- to smash the green land, flattening trees and hills, with the force of a million thundering and panicked buffalo! Soon, we learned the horror that there were three of them -- two large adult creatures and one smaller child creature. They immediately broke the outer shells of the smoking rock that enclosed them and set out to start their campaign of burning death and ash destruction!
We fought them well!
At first, humans across the once lush and green land of the creature’s crash landing site fearfully choked on their fear and thoughts that the planet would be destroyed, incinerated by hell-like fire these creatures expel from their monstrous maws with their child sized teeth! What could humans do with spears and metal shields to beat back creatures strong enough to rip aged pine trees out of the ground by the roots and use them like huge torches to swat back human gnats.
Were they toying with us in moments like that? Yes. Deadly serious when they decided to blow red flame thirty feet out of their maws to burn our houses, our crops and our fellow man? Yes! But, humans fought back! The very earth itself fought back!
We humans quickly learned, by proxy of witnessing what the planet did to defend and protect itself from these monstrous alien invaders, of their weaknesses and used that knowledge to eventually ... ah, but I get too far ahead of myself. These great stories and poems recounting those battles, the suffering, the victories -- this is the stuff of dragon legends.
You are to believe that you are a special person, indeed. You have, not by chance or by fate... but by necessity, found this true version of THE RED BOOK OF DRAGONS! These books vanish from human sight when they are not needed. You are now reading these words in this prologue created for your eyes only. The books are now needed!
There are only 10 original hand numbered copies in existence, translated first from a long lost language to next be translated to the original Old English. If you, the chosen one, stare at these olden words hard enough you will see the modern text your mind is perceiving shift and slide back to the old English form. Relax your mind and the text reverts back to a form you can understand.
There is ancient magic at work here.
You need not concern yourself with that fact. In your present time in history, magic has been replaced by bad religious ignorance and the skepticism born of it. That ignorance will work in you favor when the time comes for you to act.
Know that this text is scribed on true cured dragon skin, making the pages and cover nearly indestructible. A most important fact for you to know about this tomb is that it cannot burn or tear or absorb water. This tomb is now your personal volume until you are no longer of this life time. This tomb is your shield, your intelligence, and your blueprint for facing your incoming adversaries. No one, or no thing, can pry this tomb from you hands. Remember this fact, always.
Treasure the important tomb in your hands. Concern yourself not of the reasons why you are now in possession of this most important tomb of ancient knowledge. Read these pages of poetry and verse carefully because one day you may be called to be a protector.
Look up into the sky today.
Note that infinity is out there.
What unknown be swallowed by infinity, to be vomited into your lap when you least expect it? Think about those words first presented to Alzigon by Sanju: The Walker Of The Horror, in the time before machines. Who be Alzigon? If you praise this tome and respect its words, you will soon discover the greatness of Alzigon and his descendents -- THE DRAGON TRACKERS!
And… Perhaps… The Walker Of The Horror will visit you one day when you least expect him to give you a portion of his special knowledge.
These missives and musings are important history. Absorb the knowledge, then tell all who will listen of what you have learned. You must prepare them for an uncertain future! And most important -- protect your RED DRAGON tome. It is your new legacy!
There are other surprises that might fall from the sky to change the course of the history of mankind. That surprise is now lessened for you. Spread the word to all who will listen. They may not hear you now, but they will… when the sky, again, turns red with the fire of tremendous monster’s burning breath as it opens to allow the unknown inside the earth‘s atmosphere.
Be ready… Dragon Tracker!
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