Horror tales to be posted every weekend -- for Monday viewing... unless a different date is noted... perhaps.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Diary Entry #73


Loyd Oscar Derrickson might be an old man, now.
But, what does that have to do with enacting revenge?
Out here in the wild country of America,
Everybody is a little unhinged and ready to attack.
There was a confrontation in a parking lot...
Somebody underestimated the other person...
Death hovered over the incident and followed one of them home.
For the survivor,
The end result of this incident was... Diary Entry #73!


(Season 1, Episode 64)


(Wolf Point, Montana)


     This blood and pieces of brain on my hands and clothing are now three hours old, cold, and crusty. The baseball bat is still smeared with the blood and hair and other bodily flesh of this piece of shit asshole. I’ve still not decided what I’m going to do about this present situation I am now in. Should I call the cops so they can discover this horror scene? That would truly be the final indignity for this piece of dead garbage. Or, should I just walk out the back door and let the eventual stink alert the neighborhood of this carnage.
     Carnage -- I like that word!
     And, it’s too bad about the wife and the child! They shouldn’t have been home!
     I remember all too well how this mess got started. The day before yesterday, I was sitting in the parking lot of the electronics store minding my own goddamn business, when…


     I said, peering through my open passenger side window. “Hey, man… you over there in the blue car! Excuse me, over there. You just slammed my car with your door. Are you going to just walk away? What the hell?”
    You shot back a full of attitude, “What?”
     I again informed you, “You just slammed your door into the side of my car!”
    You answered with, “Hey, fuck you!”
    By now I had walked around to the side of my car and was looking directly at the three inch long dent. “Look. Look right there. Do you see that fresh damage? You did that just now!”
    “I think you’re bugging out over nothing, old man. It’s just a goddamn car. I think you better get a grip on yourself, old man, and get the hell out of my face before I fuck-you-up!”
    “Yea…?” I said that word with incredulous bile dripping off of it.
    “Yes! You know that scar was already on your car, man. I think you’re trying to shit me. I think you’re crazy!”
    “Crazy, oh yea… you don’t know crazy! I’ll show you crazy, after you give me your insurance information so that I can get this dent fixed.”
    “You’re one crazy old dude, man. I mean, like, who the hell are you… the devil? And how did you suddenly get into my life? Here we are standing in this parking lot talking this bullshit -- you telling me I owe you money and me getting ready to kick your ass! Is there any sense to this scene?”
    “Yea…!” I answered, about to end this little hitch in time. “There is some sense to this scene. The sense is you paying for this damage.”
    “Look, man. I’m getting the hell out of here. Take down my license number if you want. I don’t give a fuck. But I warn you, if you call the cops about this little shit and they come snooping around my house asking about this bullshit I’ll come find your sorry ass and beat the hell out of you. Remember, I have your license number, too.”
    “I’m out of here, ass! Oh, and fuck you!”
    And with that last statement, you left the parking lot, flipping me the bird on your way into the store. 
    Oh, you thought you brushed off the matter, didn’t you? Well, just like you declared that you could find me if you had to… guess what? I could, and did, find you just as easily. And now you are one dead motherfucker.


    Who is the crazy one? Is it you, for being dead… or me for having made you dead? I don’t care. You’re gone and I am free to continue on with this life of mine.
     I think I’ll let our neighbors have their fun when they discover your decomposing body later this week. Oh, and I’ll just fix my own goddamn car door myself! 
     Thanks for nothing, but the satisfaction of killing you!


    It’s time to go home and prepare for DIARY ENTRY # 74!


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