Horror tales to be posted every weekend -- for Monday viewing... unless a different date is noted... perhaps.

Monday, April 7, 2014



(Season 2, Episode 52)

The self-imposed vacation away from the Horrorwalker horror trail is now officially over. I am back to tell the world more Horrorwalker horror tales. Even though I spent the last month sequestered away inside my own little private place of creative regeneration, I was still aware of the horrors out there creeping just outside your doors.

Beatrix Anne Margolis contacted me from her home in Southern France during my time of vacation. She sent to me a short manuscript of a mixture of her encounter with the Horrorwalker back in 2011 and the present day horror in her family life. Her short tale even gave me a little shiver as I read it because when the Horrorwalker chooses to warn people of the horror affecting their love ones, those tales are especially soul crushing. What can a ex-spouse do, from another country, to prevent her former American husband from his midnights of seemingly endless slaughter of animals, and humans, when he is afflicted but the curse of the...?

Beatrix titled her horrorwalker tale: A LITTLE SLEEP BEFORE THE FULL MOON RISES.

She says, these words have haunted her ever since she first encountered the Horrorwalker when it appeared in her garage as she was going to work that morning. It forced her to read the horrible story in the Horrorwalker tome. After it was finished with her, she never expected or imagined, at that time, that the Horrorwalker was presenting her a window into the future of her own life.

And, oh yes... she is pissed-off at the Horrorwalker. But, what can you do to tell off a creature that comes to you when it pleases, where it pleases and how it pleases... and it is impossible to anticipate when it will next appear?

So, with her express permission, I present Beatrix Anne Margolis’ Horrorwalker tale -- her cathartic warning to the world about her bizarre sacrifice for her family. Now that her son is living with her in France, and her American experience is still active, she has decided that she has to, at least, warn the world of this danger.


(Leesburg, Virginia)

To give a name to my tale of horror and woe, I will tell you that my first name is Alpert. And then I will ask you this question,  ‘Do you want to know what true horror is?’ I'll tell you, right now.

My son attends one of the two universities participating in the James Madison University versus West Virginia University football game tomorrow… 4:00 Saturday afternoon at Fed Ex field in the Washington, DC area. Because of that fact, I am overly emotionally invested in this contest.

Oh my god, my mind is so full of anticipation that it will not allow my body to relax enough so that I can fall asleep today. It is now 3:31 PM and I am so wired that I am starting to hallucinate because I am old and gray and need sleep… but wide awake with a craving for MORE football.

I admit that I am a football addict! I will watch ANY football game in its entirety from high school level to the NFL. I want to be like the Matrix… have an information cable attached directly into the back of my brain with a one way feed of constant football games and nutrients to keep me alive.

That might sound like a living nightmare to many… but to me, if I could plug in at 10:00 AM Saturday morning and unplug at 2:00 AM Monday morning… I would be in heaven. And then, I plug back in at 5:00 PM Thursday afternoon and unplug at 20:00 AM Friday morning.

Give me football, or give me more football!

OK… well, enough of the ranting and raving of the sleep depraved mind. As I look around my room, I have just focused on my Bone: One Volume Edition graphic novel! I suppose I could read a few chapters that book again for the eighth time to help me move toward a little nap. Yea… Bone and this goofy sports radio on afternoon CBS sports radio in the background.

Tonight is another full moon night. If I don’t get at least a few hours of sleep before the transformation happens tonight, the creature I become is always more agitated than it normally is… and might kill a human. Therefore, I must prepare myself for lengthy full moon night. And because of the fact that I never know where I will eventually end up when I revert back to my human state, I need to rest so that I can, perhaps, have a little control to end up near my home.

I promised my son that I will attend the game. Please God, let me make it to the game. I have spent my son’s lifetime trying to juxtapose his life with my life of feral monstrosity. The only way I had been able to keep my lycanthropy curse from him and his mother for all these years -- until 2012, that is -- is by being this oft times absent dick of a father. But, I cannot tell him what I am. The result of that knowledge would make them a target of the moon beast residing inside me, just like my former wife was made into a target... forcing her to have to move back to her home country for protection and distance from me and my arcane curse.

How did I convince her to leave our son here for his senior year of college? I still don’t know... other than the fact that she does realize the creature will not go after him as lone as it is not threatened by his knowledge of its existence. I know, it is a very fucked-up mess of a family crisis.

OK… there is a dark and feral Werewolf  persona crouched over in that corner of the room. There is a sullen bastard of a Vampire shadow standing in the shadow of the other corner over there. There is a sharp to the nose brimstone scented, cat sized Imp crouched on my right shoulder looking at the page of my book. And, finally… there is me, awaiting the sunset destiny of another horrid dark night on planet earth.

What a minute… I’m getting that sleepy drapery over my eyes right now! I have got the alarm clock set to ring at 6:30 PM. That will give me plenty of time to drive way out into the feral woods of Loudoun County… away from prying human eyes.

OK, I’m about to turn off this computer before I say good afternoon to the proxy readers of this journal. And here is a hearty go, go, go to the university football team attended by my son!

Good afternoon from me, and these creature personas, hanging out in my room. And may god bless my damned soul as I run through the Virginia forest tonight. May I only catch, and eviscerate, a deer tonight!

And will I have the energy, and the forced time times the distance away from my car, to make it to the stadium to see my son tomorrow? Only the Werewolf inside my DNA can answer that question… and it is not talking!


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